Who We Are
Thrive Life helps people around the world create a more thriving life. One of the ways we do this is by helping people build a Home Store powered by THRIVE foods to bring families together for a more valuable mealtime experience. THRIVE offers premium freeze dried and dehydrated foods that add more convenience to every day cooking and also have an extended shelf life to provide peace of mind for the future as well. We help people become self-reliant so they can improve their lives and increase their happiness and prosperity.
Our charity, Thriving Nations, was founded in 2010 to help individuals throughout the world achieve this same goal. We believe that with the proper education, training, and support, people in even the most impoverished circumstances can become self-reliant. With the help of Thriving Nations, they can prepare for the future and thrive in the present.
Why We're Unique
Thriving Nations programs are unique in that our beneficiaries aren’t accepting a handout—they’re making a commitment to become self-reliant and to give back to their communities. We ask participants of our programs to raise some of the money for the programs, provide materials or labor, or even give back to the program the same amount of seed, livestock, etc., they were originally given once their farms are prospering. This way, Thriving Nations can not only help improve the present prosperity of its participants, but can continue to reach exponentially more families across the world.

Participants work hard to give back to their community
Give 5 With THRIVE
Five percent of all THRIVE profits go directly into our Thriving Nations programs, so every time you make a purchase, you’re helping us provide food, water, and education to people in need!
Frequently Asked Questions
- Are donations tax deductible?
Charitable contributions are not currently tax deductible because Thriving Nations is not a registered 501(c)(3) organization.
- Is Thriving Nations associated with any religious or political organizations?
Thriving Nations is not affiliated with any particular religion or political group.
- Does Thriving Nations have any partnerships?
We partner with respected charitable organizations that have the resources, connections, and networks to help us with the programs we are interested in funding.
- Are there projects that volunteers can assist with?
Yes! Email thrivingnations@thrivelife.com for details on how you can help with specific projects.
- How does Thriving Nations decide how to use their funds?
Project selection is based on most urgent needs and the best use of donor funds, as well as which projects best fit our mission. Our funds are used both locally within the United States and in many other countries to help families and communities around the world. Leaders within our service areas help us assess the needs and carry out projects, and those who will benefit from the project are asked to participate so that they can be empowered to create better lives for themselves and generations to come.
- What do I do if I have a project I would like Thriving Nations to become involved
If you know of or are involved with a cause that has to do with Thriving Nations’ three areas of focus (nutrition, water solutions, and education), you can send a request to thrivingnations@thrivelife.com , and we’ll tell you if it’s a project we can become involved in!
- Who can I contact if I would like to learn more about Thriving Nations?
Please contact thrivingnations@thrivelife.com if you have further questions or interest in Thriving Nations.