
Fresher Than Fresh Berry Muesli
By · 3 servings
5m prep time
cook time
Recipe by Cindy Suelzle
One of my favourite breakfasts - especially in the summer, is Muesli, made with fresh summer fruit and quick oats. But it takes on a whole new world of possibilities with freeze dried fruits, which are always ‘fresh’ and always at their nutritional peak.
You can have any kind you want because you have all-the-fruit all-the-time. No matter what time of year, THRIVE Life freeze dried fruit is “fresher-than-fresh”.
Print recipe
- 1 c. Quick Oats
- 1/2 c. THRIVE LIFE Applesauce
- 1/2 c. FD Blueberries
- 1/2 c. FD Raspberries
- 1/2 c. FD Strawberries
- 1/2 c. 1/2 c. FD Blueberries
- Lightly stir to moisten completely, and let sit for 2 or 3 minutes to absorb juice.
- Add more juice as desired to keep it the texture you desire.
- Serve
- That's it. It really IS that simple, that quick. and that delicious.
- NO fat, NO sugar, NO dairy, NO wheat, NO additives of any kind Super Nutritious and Delicious
- Option 1: use any kind of fruit, substitute your faves or what you have on hand
- Option 2: use any kind of juice or milk, substitute your fave or what you have on hand. I prefer apple juice because is mild tasting allowing the other tastes to come through.
- Option 3: top it off with added nutrition in your bowl: a scoop of plain yogurt, a sprinkling of toasted nuts, or seeds: sesame / chia / hemp seeds. Be creative. Muesli is flexible that way.